At the beginning of each semester before the registration renewal, academic staff of the department review and update the course schedules.
Based on the stakeholder analysis report prepared by Bologna Commission of the Tourism Management Undergraduate Program, curriculum and courses that have the potential to meet the program outcomes are prepared. The contents of the prepared courses in the information packages are updated regarding common decisions of the academic staff.
Stakeholder contribution is planned to be provided both in the analysis of program outcomes and through sector-oriented seminars and panels organized by the department.
The information packages are secured together with the courses and contents that determined by the department. The information packages are prepared in both English and Turkish for each course and ECTS workload calculations are published as a curriculum on the Bologna web page.
Current courses in the Tourism Management Undergraduate Program are published on the web page. Relevant content can be accessed from here
At the end of the semester, exam files are stored in the student affairs archive.
Exam scores are made available to students through the Student Information System.
Post-exam grade announcements are shared with students via the Student Information System (OBS). At the end of the course, the grade list and the class attendance reports. is stored in the student affairs archives.
In order to ensure harmony between program competencies and course learning outcomes, it is planned to follow the process by taking into account the students' grade success at the end of the term. For this purpose, it is planned to hold an evaluation meeting with the faculty members who taught that term and to review the relationship between program competencies and course learning outcomes in the end-of-term meetings. In order to monitor whether the program outcomes have been achieved; interviews were conducted with our graduates. In addition, it is planned to apply a survey to our students at the end of the education-training periods.
Efforts to improve the curriculum and course content in terms of course learning outcomes are ongoing.
Changes and improvements regarding the curriculum are announced on the web page ( and updated in the curriculum. It is also announced to students through the OBS system.
Meetings are planned to be held with academic staff regarding supports for accreditation.