Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Course Adaptation
15 Haziran 2023 Perşembe

Course Adaptation
Students who have previously studied at any higher education institution must submit the petition form below, within 15 (fifteen) days at the latest, after registering to our faculty for course adjustment, to the physical and electronic address of our Faculty (Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Gülümbe Campus E). Blok Pelitözü District Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bulvarı No:27 11100 Merkez/BİLECİK, itbf@bilecik.edu.tr) are required to apply. It is obligatory to include the transcript and course contents in the application annex. If the course contents are published online on the website of the relevant higher education institution, the web address should be specified in the petition. After the petitions with wet signatures, which are filled in completely and sent in due time, are evaluated by the relevant committees, the course adjustment process is made on the student information system.

Legislation Provisions:
(1) Students who get at least 50 points from the foreign language placement test applied to students who are enrolled in the university for the first time are exempt from basic foreign language courses. In addition, students who score at least 50 points in the placement exams of other courses determined by the University Senate are also exempt from these courses. The success grades of the students in this situation are processed in accordance with subparagraph (b) of the first paragraph of Article 23.
(2) Students who were previously registered as a student in formal education in a higher education program and registered to the University with the exam made by the Assessment, Selection and Placement Center can request adjustment from the courses they have taken. For this, students must apply to the relevant unit with a grade status document, course contents and a petition within fifteen days from the date of their first registration to the University. The grades that the students have taken before from the courses in which they were successful at the previous higher education institution and whose equivalence was accepted by the board of directors of the relevant unit are converted into success grades within the framework of the principles in Article 23. Due to the difficulties encountered in the adjustments, the grades expressing the exemption are converted to CC as letter grades, and if the students do not accept, they take that course/courses again. In this way, according to the number of courses whose equivalence is accepted, which class the adjustment will be made is specified in the decision of the board of directors of the relevant unit within the framework of the relevant legislation.
(3) The previous grades of the students enrolled in the university through lateral transfer from the courses that they took in formal education at the previous higher education institution and were successful and whose equivalence was accepted by the board of directors of the relevant unit, are converted into success grades within the framework of the principles in Article 23. In addition, students who come through lateral transfer are adjusted to the class in which they are least accepted.
(4) The adaptation of the students who are registered to the university through vertical transfer, which courses are accepted as equivalence, is determined by the administrative board of the relevant unit. The grades that the students have taken in formal education from the courses to which they have been adjusted are converted into success grades within the framework of the principles in Article 23. The undergraduate grade point averages of the students who are placed in undergraduate programs by vertical transfer and are still registered are calculated over the courses taken in the associate degree program and the courses they have taken during the undergraduate education. In addition, the students who come through vertical transfer are made at least in the third year.
(5) The exemption and adjustment procedures for only Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution, Turkish Language and English courses are made from the courses that students have taken and succeeded in open and distance education programs.

Exemption and Adaptation Principles:
(1) The exemption request is examined by the Adaptation Commission and an adjustment program is drawn up. This adjustment program is evaluated by the board of directors of the relevant unit, and it is decided within one week at the latest for all the courses that have been taken before and are successful with a letter grade of CC or above and for which they are exempted, and the students are adjusted to the relevant class. The adjustment of the preparatory class students is made when they start the first year of the program they are studying.
(2) Grade adjustments of students who take courses from another higher education institution as a special student, within the scope of exchange programs and in summer school are made according to their grades at the university. If a course at the university is paired with more than one course at another higher education institution, the grade average of these courses is taken and the result is converted into letter grades; However, if the student fails all or one of these courses, he/she is deemed to have failed the course at the University.
(3) Until the exemption request is resolved by the relevant unit's board of directors, students continue to attend the course(s) for which they have requested exemption.
(4) The course to be exempted; Regardless of whether it is compulsory or elective, exemption procedures are carried out by examining the compatibility / proficiency of the learning outcomes / course contents, provided that they have equal or higher ECTS value or equal or more course hours.
(5) The exemption process can be applied by examining the compatibility/adequacy of the learning outcomes/course contents, provided that more than one successful course has the same or higher total ECTS value than a course at the University, or the total course hours equal or more.
(6) If the total ECTS of the courses that the student is exempt from is 60% or more of the ECTS load of the relevant class in the lesson plan, the student is adjusted to the next class. However, students who come through lateral transfer are admitted to the class they are accepted to, and students who come via vertical transfer are adjusted to the third grade.
(7) Students who have studied in any department/program of the University before and are placed again in the same department/program of the University are accepted as they are if they are in accordance with the provisions of the fourth paragraph and all the courses they have taken at the University before and for which they have been successful and requested exemption. class adjustments are made. However, if the students request, they are adjusted to the relevant class according to the 6th paragraph of this article.
(8) Objections to the exemption/adjustment results are made to the relevant unit within 5 working days at the latest, from the date the exemption process is finalized and notified to the student.
(9) Exemption and adjustment procedures are made only for Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution, Turkish Language and English courses among the courses that students have taken and succeeded in open and distance education programs.


Important Note: 6/9 of our University's Guidelines for Lecturing, Exemption and Adjustment Principles, "Of the courses that students have taken from open and distance education programs, only the principles of Atatürk and Revolution History, Turkish Language and English courses are exempted and adapted." In accordance with the provision, adjustment of other courses taken in open and distance education is not made.