Vocational School

Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technology
11 Kasım 2024 Pazartesi

General Information About the Program

Hybrid & Electric Vehicles, which is one of the technologies that attracts the most attention all over the world today, has a wide and important place in the development of the modern economy with its wide range of impact, impact and contribution to other sectors. In this context, the aim of the program is to train qualified intermediate staff with sufficient theoretical knowledge and skills needed with the growth of the sector. In our program, education and training activities are supported by vocational laboratory practices in our laboratory, which has a scientific and technologically sound infrastructure that is valid today. In the Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Technology Program, it is ensured that the necessary theoretical knowledge, experimental skills and abilities related to the courses are kept up-to-date by following the applications in traditional and modern technology. Our program has a laboratory that provides the opportunity to practice in the fields of Electric Motor, Internal Combustion Engines, Powertrain, Engine Testing and Tuning, Automotive Electricity and Electronics. The laboratories of our program have modern research equipment and equipment to provide scientific support. The education period of our program is 2 years and our students can take the elective Vocational Education in Business (VET) course in the 4th semester (for 1 semester). They can receive education in an industrial organization related to our program. Students who do not / cannot choose this course will continue to take courses in the 4th semester. In addition, 30 working days summer internship is compulsory.



To be able to train qualified and skilled technicians who have theoretical and practical knowledge in accordance with the requirements of the age related to their profession, who are respectful to ethical, environmental and cultural values, who aim to be the best in their field, who have developed the ability to adapt to the integrity of common beliefs and values within the group.



To have the standards of education, training, research, student affairs, building infrastructure and working environment, organizational structure and functioning standards stipulated by international accredited institutions with internship opportunities and workplace training model as well as theoretical and practical courses required for production and maintenance and repair in all organizations operating in the field of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Technology.


Academic Staff