Vocational School

Electrical Energy Production Transmission and Distribution
28 October 2024 Monday
About Us:

Electrical Energy Generation, Transmission and Distribution program started in the Department of Electricity and Energy which is at Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Vocational School in 2010. There are 3 faculty members and 2 lecturers in this program. Activities related to the program are designed and carried out together with the instructors and the Management of Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Vocational School. In this program, it is ensured that basic and technical trainings are supported with laboratory applications and professional studies can be done. The credit values based on student workload of the courses (ECTS) in our program are organized within the framework of Bologna. In this context, the ECTS values of all courses are determined and can be accessed from web page of our university(http://ebs.bilecik.edu.tr). Our training program has passed the 3 + 1 model. According to this model, every students spends a period in the workplace. According to this model, every student spends one semester at the workplace.



To have the theoretical and practical knowledge appropriate to the requirements of the age of his profession, to be the best in his field, professional ethics, sense of belonging, the ability to adapt to the integrity of the common beliefs and values within the group, qualified and talented experts (technicians) to train.



To be able to use the theoretical knowledge and applications successfully during the internship in accordance with the determined aims and standards, to share the knowledge with the employees in similar fields and to train the technicians who can carry out their duties in cooperation.

Academic Staff