Bilecik Seyh Edebali University
Our University has a New Social Area and Traditional Games Festival was organized
22 Mayıs 2024 Çarşamba
Our University has a New Social Area and Traditional Games Festival was organized

Our University has a New Social Area and Traditional Games Festival was organized

The opening of our Islamic Garden built on the campus of our university was held. The Islamic Garden was prepared within the scope of the Scientific Research Project titled “Islamic Garden Art Shaped by Religious Rituals and Its Effects on Anatolian-Turkish Culture” supported by our University.


The project manager of the Islamic Garden, which is the first of its kind in Turkey, was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Parısa Göker, Head of the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, and Project Researchers Assoc. Assist. Sultan Ece Altınok Çalışkan and Assoc. Assist. Adive Begül Bulut at the opening of the area; Bilecik Governor Şefik Aygöl, Rector Prof. Dr. Şükrü Beydemir, provincial protocol, academicians and students were informed about the garden.


Forgotten Games were kept alive


After the opening of the Islamic Garden, “Forgotten Games: Traditional Games Festival” was organized.


Within the scope of the project carried out by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raif Zileli, Head of the Child Development Department of the Faculty of Health Sciences, the traditional games of Bilecik region were played; Bilecik Governor Aygöl, Rector Prof. Dr. Beydemir and the provincial protocol visited all the game tracks.
