Prof. Dr. Zafer Asım KAPLANCIKLI | Rector |
Prof. Dr. Nazile Ural | Vice Rector |
Prof. Dr. Murat YURDAKUL | Vice Rector |
Prof. Dr. İsa İPÇİOĞLU | Dean, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Acting) |
Prof. Dr. Mehmet KURBAN | Dean, Faculty of Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Bahadır SAYINCI | Dean, Faculty of Agriculture Natural Sciences (Acting) |
Prof. Dr. Murat YURDAKUL | Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design (Acting) |
Prof. Dr. Mustafa BAŞ | Dean, Faculty of Islamic Sciences (Acting) |
Prof. Dr. Mehpare TOKAY ARGAN | Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences (Acting) |
Prof. Dr. Çağlayan AÇIKGÖZ | Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences (Acting) |
Prof. Dr. Ali Barbaros BAŞESKİOĞLU | Dean, Faculty of Medical School (Acting) |
Prof. Dr. Murat ALANYALIOĞLU | Dean, Faculty of Dentistry (Acting) |
Prof. Dr. Mustafa KOYUN | Dean, Faculty of Science (Acting) |
Prof. Dr. Harun TUNÇEL | Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (Acting) |
Prof. Dr. Murat ALANYALIOĞLU | Director, Instutite of Graduate Studies |
Prof. Dr. Murat YURDAKUL | Director, School of Foreign Languages |
Prof. Dr. Mehpare TOKAY ARGAN | Director, Vocational School of Bozüyük |
Assoc. Dr. Sinan TEMEL | Director, Vocational School of Gölpazarı |
Doç. Dr. Alev AKPINAR BORAZAN | Director, Vocational School |
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Fevzi SAVAŞ | Director, Vocational School of Osmaneli |
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Behlül ERSOY | Director, Vocational School of Pazaryeri |
Assist. Dr. Mustafa ZEYTİN | Director, Vocational School of Söğüt |
Assoc. Dr. Mesut IŞIK | Director, Vocational School of Health Services |
Prof. Dr. Filiz EKİNCİ | Elected Member of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences |
Assoc. Dr. Emrah DOKUR | Elected Member of the Faculty of Engineering |
Prof. Dr. Bahadır SAYINCI | Elected Member of the Faculty of Agriculture Natural Sciences |
Assoc. Dr. Hilal KAHVECİ | Elected Member of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design |
Assist. Dr. Mehmet Fatih YALÇIN | Elected Member of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences |
Assoc. Dr. Aysel GÜNEY | Elected Member of the Faculty of Applied Sciences |
Assist. Dr. Ümit KAHRAMAN | Elected Member of the Faculty of Health Sciences |
Assoc. Dr. Erhan ŞAHİN | Elected Member of the Faculty of Medicine |
Assist. Dr. Gülbahar ERDİNÇ | Elected Member of the Faculty of Dentist |
Prof. Dr. Osman Zeki OKUYUCU | Elected Member of the Faculty of Science |
Prof. Dr. Erdal KARAKAŞ | Elected Member of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science |
Muhammet BÜYÜK | Secretary General / Reporter |