Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University

07 March 2025 Friday


Prof. Dr. Zafer Asım KAPLANCIKLI Rector
Prof. Dr. Nazile Ural Vice Rector
Prof. Dr. Murat YURDAKUL Vice Rector
Prof. Dr. İsa İPÇİOĞLU Dean, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Acting)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet KURBAN Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Prof. Dr. Bahadır SAYINCI Dean, Faculty of Agriculture Natural Sciences (Acting)
Prof. Dr. Murat YURDAKUL Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design (Acting)
Prof. Dr. Mustafa BAŞ Dean, Faculty of Islamic Sciences (Acting)
Prof. Dr. Mehpare TOKAY ARGAN Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences (Acting)
Prof. Dr. Çağlayan AÇIKGÖZ Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences (Acting)
Prof. Dr. Ali Barbaros BAŞESKİOĞLU Dean, Faculty of Medical School (Acting)
Prof. Dr. Murat ALANYALIOĞLU Dean, Faculty of Dentistry (Acting)
Prof. Dr. Mustafa KOYUN Dean, Faculty of Science (Acting)
Prof. Dr. Harun TUNÇEL Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (Acting)
Prof. Dr. Murat ALANYALIOĞLU Director, Instutite of Graduate Studies
Prof. Dr. Murat YURDAKUL Director, School of Foreign Languages
Prof. Dr. Mehpare TOKAY ARGAN Director, Vocational School of Bozüyük
Assoc. Dr. Sinan TEMEL Director, Vocational School of Gölpazarı
Doç. Dr. Alev AKPINAR BORAZAN Director, Vocational School
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Fevzi SAVAŞ Director, Vocational School of Osmaneli
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Behlül ERSOY Director, Vocational School of Pazaryeri
Assist. Dr. Mustafa ZEYTİN Director, Vocational School of Söğüt
Assoc. Dr. Mesut IŞIK Director, Vocational School of Health Services
Prof. Dr. Filiz EKİNCİ Elected Member of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Assoc. Dr. Emrah DOKUR Elected Member of the Faculty of Engineering
Prof. Dr. Bahadır SAYINCI Elected Member of the Faculty of Agriculture Natural Sciences
Assoc. Dr.  Hilal KAHVECİ Elected Member of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design
Assist. Dr. Mehmet Fatih YALÇIN Elected Member of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences
Assoc. Dr. Aysel GÜNEY Elected Member of the Faculty of Applied Sciences
Assist. Dr. Ümit KAHRAMAN Elected Member of the Faculty of Health Sciences
Assoc. Dr. Erhan ŞAHİN Elected Member of the Faculty of Medicine
Assist. Dr. Gülbahar ERDİNÇ Elected Member of the Faculty of Dentist
Prof. Dr. Osman Zeki OKUYUCU Elected Member of the Faculty of Science
Prof. Dr. Erdal KARAKAŞ Elected Member of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
Muhammet BÜYÜK Secretary General / Reporter