Seminar on Preparation for Career Exams in Public Sector was held
22 May 2024 Wednesday
Seminar on Preparation for Career Exams in Public Sector was held

Seminar on Preparation for Career Exams in Public Sector was held

On Monday, May 13th, our University Career Center Coordinatorship held a conference at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences with the participation of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Levent Ersin Oralı, Lecturer. Assoc. İsmet Emir Kudubeş and Cengizhan Gökben were the speakers of the “Seminar on Preparation for Career Exams in Public Sector”.


Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakki İşcan, Career Center Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. H.Tezcan Uysal and academicians attended the event which attracted great interest.


The speakers gave information about the Law Professions Entrance Exam, the Judgeship Exam and the District Governorship Exam and made detailed explanations about the score types in the Public Personnel Selection Exam (KPSS) and stated that students should keep their motivation high and that it is important to prepare for a good future today. The event ended with the presentation of a plaque by Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakki İşcan, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, after the questions of the students.
