School of Foreign Languages

Prospective Students
13 Kasım 2024 Çarşamba

Dear Students

First of all, welcome to Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University.

After a long and tiring preparation process, you have chosen your department and profession that will bring you one step closer to your future. No matter which department you have chosen, the importance of knowing a foreign language in 21st century Turkey and the changing world cannot be discussed.

As the School of Foreign Languages, we offer our students a multilingual and multicultural environment in Bilecik, the cradle of foundation and liberation, and strive to equip them with the knowledge and skills to face the main problems and challenges we face in the globalising world.

The main goal of the optional preparatory programme is to provide our students with the foreign language knowledge and skills they will need in their professional lives and in different areas of their lives by using innovative methods, techniques and approaches in foreign language education, and to raise researching, questioning, responsible, self-confident and independent individuals with intercultural awareness.

What does the Preparatory Programme offer me?

In the Optional English Preparatory Programme, a placement test is conducted at the beginning of the programme in order to provide students with a more effective education. As a result of this exam, students are placed in A1, A2 and B1 level classes. As a result of two semesters of education, students who successfully complete the programme are entitled to receive a certificate. At the end of the programme, students will have intermediate and advanced English speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. In line with this goal, we would be happy to see you in the Optional English Preparatory Programme.


Undergraduate and graduate students can apply to the Optional Preparatory Programme.

You can also take a look at our Introduction page.

Contact for your questions: Lecturer. Gör. Dr Ayça BAKINER

Telephone: 0 228 214 24 03

Instagram: bseuyabancidiller

Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University School of Foreign Languages