Department of Economics

Orientation Program was Held
11 November 2024 Monday

Our orientation program prepared for our newly enrolled students was held on October 2, 2024. Economics department vice chairman. Asst. Prof. Havva Nesrin Tiryaki gave a brief information about what economics is, what it examines and its methods. After briefly mentioning the fields of Micro Economics and Macro Economics, advice was given on what graduates of the economics department do, what career opportunities they have and how students can improve themselves from the first year.

In the following part of the program, one of the department advisors, Res. Asst. Bilal Orhan, Res. Asst. Dr. Hüseyin Safa Ünal, Res. Asst. Nakşıdil Alparslan and Res. Asst. Oğuzhan Ata provided detailed information on career planning, internship opportunities, double major, minor and exchange programs, student clubs. A presentation was made on the academic calendar and useful links for students, internal university processes such as exams, class participation, grade objection, excuse exams and excused registrations, letter grades, compulsory and elective course distributions in the curriculum; course selection system, course registrations, rules for taking courses from upper semesters, taking courses in summer school.

The program was enriched with the advice of our department faculty members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Tezer and Asst. Prof. Ertuğrul Çam about the qualities that are essential for our students to gain throughout their education life.

On behalf of the Department of Economics, we extend our congratulations to our students who have commenced this new phase of their academic journey and wish them every success in their future studies and education.
