1) While there is no mandatory internship in the Department of Economics curriculum, students may opt to make internship at their discretion. The responsibility for conducting research on this topic, identifying an internship workplace, and navigating the associated bureaucratic procedures lies with the students themselves. For more detailed information about the internship opportunities in the Talent Gate (Yetenek Kapısı), students are encouraged to consult with the Department of Economics career advisor.
2) Our students are permitted to do internship only during the summer vacation period. Please note that if courses are taken from summer school, an internship will not be possible.
3) Only second- and third-year students are eligible to do internship. First- and fourth-year students are not allowed to do internship.
4) Please scan the following documents in PDF format and send them via email to staj.iibf@bilecik.edu.tr.
5) Upon completion of the internship, the "Intern Student Attendance Tracking Chart (Stajyer Öğrenci Devam Takip Çizelgesi)," "Internship Registration Form (Staj Sicil Formu)," and "Optional Internship Acceptance Form (steğe Bağlı Staj Kabul Formu)," must be approved by the workplace and sent via cargo to the address below.
Shipping Address::
Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dekanlığı
A Blok Kat 3
Merkez / BİLECİK
6) Students will be subject to the provisions of the Optional Internship Directive (İsteğe Bağlı Staj Yönergesi) during the internship process. For this reason, it is recommended to examine the relevant directive in detail.
7) Those who apply for an internship and later give up their internship must send information about their situation to staj.iibf@bilecik.edu.tr.
8) During the internship, the university will only cover the insurance premium for work accidents and occupational diseases at a premium rate of 1%, and no other wage or premium payment will be made.
9) To obtain the most up-to-date information, please refer to the link.