4. International Banking Congress

Paper Writing Rules
15 April 2024 Monday
Preparation of Papers

Abstracts prepared in Turkish or English must be sent to the e-mail address bankacilikkongresi@bilecik.edu.tr in accordance with the abstract preparation rules by April 14, 2024 at the latest. Although it is not mandatory to prepare a full text, participants who wish to submit it must send an e-mail to bankacilikkongresi@bilecik.edu.tr by August 31, 2024, in accordance with the full text preparation rules.


Summary Paper Writing Rules and Principles

There should be a Turkish and English summary at the beginning of each article. Abstracts should be written in 10 font size and not exceed 300 words. In addition, the abstract should not only explain the purpose of the article, but should also be prepared in a way that reveals the purpose, method, data set, findings and originality of the study.

Click to download the summary template.


Writing Principles

It is not mandatory to submit a full text paper. Participants who wish to submit a full-text paper can submit it until August 31, 2024.

Full texts can be a maximum of 25 (twenty-five) pages, including bibliography. Texts exceeding this limit will be rejected by the congress secretariat and will not be evaluated. No corrections will be made to the full texts by the congress committees. Therefore, authors are responsible for spelling and semantic errors.

The texts must be prepared in accordance with the rules stated below and in a way that fits twenty-five pages on one side of the page.

Texts must be prepared using MS Word 2003 or a higher word processing program for Windows. In the full texts to be prepared; The font should be Times New Roman, line spacing should be 1 line, page size should be A4 (210X290 mm.) and margins should be 2.5 cm for all edges.

The text should be written in 11-point font, justified, and there should be a space between paragraphs. Line returns in paragraphs should be indented 1 tab.

Click to download the notification template for full paper.


Writing rules

The article should be organized as stated below.


I. Title and Name of Author(s)

Each word of the subject title should start with a capital letter, be written in 14-point boldface and centered on the line.

The Name and SURNAME of the Author(s) should be written in 11-point boldface and centered on the line.

Academic titles and institution name(s) should be written in 10-point font, centered.


II. Summary

There should be a Turkish and English summary at the beginning of each article. Abstracts should be written in 10 font size and not exceed 300 words. In addition, the abstract should not only explain the purpose of the article, it should fully reflect the content of the study, be written concisely and highlight the important points or results of the article.


III. Sections and Subsections

Section headings should be written in 12-point font (Ex: 1. Introduction), and subheadings should be short and bold in 11-point font (Ex: 2.1. Data Set).

Example: 1. Introduction;

  1. Literature Review
  2. Method……;

and subsections 2.1. Data set ….


IV. Figures and Tables

The figure text should be written at the bottom, the table text should be at the top, and its content should be explained as a title next to the Figure/Table number. Figures/Tables should be placed within the text.


V. References

All sources mentioned in the text should be included in the 'References' list. Identification of the source in the text should be done not in the form of a footnote, but by giving the author's surname, publication date, and page number in direct citations.


Examples: Doğan (2013) …, Akkus and Dogan (2023) Doğan, Tekbas and Gursoy (2022)… If the number of authors is more than 3, it should be given as Dogan et al., (2022) …. In the References section, references should be given in alphabetical order.


Sources should be cited using the APA (American Psychological Association) method (Dogan, 2013: 55), etc. In cases where footnotes must be given; It should be numbered within the text and written in 10-point font at the bottom of the page. The bibliography should be written in 10 font size at the end of the article. References should be listed alphabetically according to author surnames.



Doğan, M., & Faikoğlu, S. (2016). Behavioral finance and financial literacy. Ekin Publishing Publishing, Bursa.



Alkara, İ., & Çalışkan, M. (2023). A research on social media posts of companies included in the BIST sustainability index. Journal of Business Research, 15(3), 2065-2083.

Dogan, M. (2013). Comparison of financial performances of participation and traditional banks: Türkiye example. Journal of Accounting and Finance, (58), 175-188.

Meral, H., Ersoy, B., & Cavga, S. H. (2023). Closing the insurance gap in Turkey. Journal of Insurance Issues, 46(2), 226-255.



Alkara, I. (2013). Factors affecting consumer behavior towards genetically modified (GM) products. Doctoral Thesis, Anadolu University, Türkiye.



Doğan, M., Kevser, M., & Altınay, A. T. (2022). The Relationship Between ESG Scores and Firm Performance: Evidence from BRICS Countries. Proceedings of the 25th Finance Symposium, 396-408.