4. International Banking Congress

19 February 2024 Monday

Colloquium; It is a structured platform for doctoral students to discuss their theses with doctoral students, leading academics in the field and senior industry practitioners. In addition, this year, a colloquium will be held for the theses of master's students and the graduation theses of undergraduate banking and finance students.


The aims of the colloquium are;

To improve the quality of theses,

To increase its contribution to the international literature,

To contribute to broadening the perspectives of graduate students,

To contribute to the development of young scientists,

To increase communication and interaction between graduate students.


Students who will present their theses at the colloquium;

They will receive unbiased and constructive feedback on their theses and future research,

They will learn about research methods, publication of doctoral studies and journal processes, etc.

They will be able to develop a spirit of collaborative research with a supportive academic community,

They will meet and network with leading academics in their field.

 Students who are accepted to participate in the colloquium will not pay the congress participation fee.

Students to be accepted to the colloquium and the number of sessions will be determined according to demand. To be considered for participation, candidates must fill out the Colloquium Summary and send it to the e-mail address bankacilikkongresi@bilecik.edu.tr