Department of Computer Engineering

Measurement and Equipment Laboratory Group List (Updated)
19 November 2024 Tuesday

Lab Sheet and Material List

Group and Table List (07.10.2024)
The attached file contains the list for Groups A-B-C-D. Click here.

Each student will attend experiments according to the schedule and group listed in the attached document.

Students whose names are not on the list must attend the morning group class and add their names to the list.

Each student is required to know their assigned table. There is no need to bring materials for tomorrow's class.

You can find videos of previous experiments conducted in the lab on YouTube through this link. Some experiments may have been modified or updated. Before attending the experiments, you can review these videos or use them to clarify any unclear points.


Material List (03.10.2024)
All students must individually have the items listed in the material list. You need to procure them as soon as possible.

The material list is available in the attached file. Click here.


Laboratory Groups (02.10.2024)
All experiments in the Measurement and Equipment Laboratory will be conducted on Tuesdays with 4 groups, 12 tables per group, and 2 students per table.

From Thursday, October 3, you can write your name on the list that will be posted on the Measurement and Equipment Laboratory door.

You may sign up with a friend you'd like to share a table with. Students who are left alone can write their name in any vacant table, and they will later be randomly assigned to tables.

A note has been added to the 13th and 14th table sections of the list: "Leave Blank." Do not write your name in these sections. Students who write their names here will be randomly assigned to groups.

Once all groups and tables are full, students must inform Research Assistant Erkan Hüseyin Akpınar or Research Assistant Kerim Solmaz to have their names added to the list.

Group schedules are provided below. The instructor and time listed in OBS are irrelevant.

All students must write their names on the list posted on the door of the Measurement and Equipment Laboratory on the -1st floor by 12:00 PM on Monday, October 7. The list will be shared through announcements during the day on October 7.

Following the announcement, all students will attend experiments throughout the term based on the assigned group, time, and table.

There is no need to bring any materials to class next week.

Experiment Groups and Times in the List:

1. Group: 9:30 - 10:50
2. Group: 11:10 - 12:30

3. Group: 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM
4. Group: 3:40 PM - 5:00 PM

Research Assistant Dr. Sefa Tunçer