Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University (BŞEÜ) Osmaneli Vocational School Director Assistant Professor Mehmet Ali PAYLAN, Vice Principals Assistant Professor Abdulkadir ERTAŞ, Lect. Dr. Burak AKTEKELİ and School Secretary Hamdi TEMEL, District Governor Mr. Abdüssamed KILIÇ. Abdüssamed KILIÇ paid an auspicious visit. During the visit, consultations were held on the studies to be carried out in our district in cooperation with our university and public institutions.
At the ceremony held on Thursday, June 7 at the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), our University was entitled to receive an award in the category of “2024 Accessibility in Space (Orange Flag)” within the scope of Barrier-Free University Awards. In this context, at the ceremony held in the senate room of our university on Thursday, November 7, our Rector Prof. Dr. Zafer Asım KAPLANCIKLI, our Higher School Director Assist. Prof. Mehmet Ali PAYLAN was presented the award in the relevant field.
Assist. Prof. Mehmet Ali Paylan was appointed as the Director of Osmaneli Vocational School. On Tuesday, September 24, our Rector Prof. Dr. Zafer Asım Kaplancıklı, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Nazile Ural and Prof. Dr. Murat Yurdakul and Secretary General Muhammet Büyük attended the handover ceremony. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Kaplancıklı thanked Prof. Dr. Ahmet Fevzi Savaş for his work as the Director of Osmaneli Vocational School and Dr. Prof. Dr. Kaplancıklı thanked Prof. Dr. Ahmet Fevzi Savaş for his work as the Director of Osmaneli Vocational School. Prof. Dr. Kaplancıklı wished Assist. Prof. Paylan success in his work.