Muhasebe ve Vergi

Mission and Vision
30 December 2024 Monday


The mission of Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Osmaneli Vocational School is to educate individuals who are researcher, inquisitive, analysing, sharing and transforming to life mindset that produces universal knowledge and technology, who have the duty to contribute to the lifelong education and development process of the society, who can lead the society in changing world conditions, who are professionally competent, respectful to human and social values.

The vision of Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Osmaneli Vocational School is to be an exemplary institution in national and international dimensions in the field of vocational education, which provides high-level education with the quality of education, training and research, which is respected and leading at national and international level with its activities that solve the problems of our country, especially in our district and region, and its service to the society.