Söğüt Vocational School

About Our School
28 Ekim 2024 Pazartesi

Söğüt Vocational School was established in 1994-1995 academic year as affiliated to Dumlupınar University with the decision of the Higher Education Council dated 14.02.1994 and numbered 94.5.332. Later, it was affiliated to Bilecik University, which was established with the law numbered 5662, which was published in the Resmî Gazete dated 29.05.2007 and numbered 26536, and continues its education and training services. The name of our university was changed to Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University with the law numbered 6296 published in the Resmî Gazete dated 27 April 2012 and numbered 28276.

Our Vocational School, which was established to train intermediate manpower for the needs of the country and the district; It started teaching with Import-Export, Marble and Ceramic Programmes and continues to teach with 9 programmes. We have 1337 students in our Vocational School.

In 1994, our school, which started teaching in the building located in the district centre belonging to Söğüt Municipality, moved to the Apprenticeship Training Centre building next to the Higher School Campus area in 2002, which was allocated to our Higher School indefinitely, and since this building was not sufficient as a result of the increase in the number of programmes and students, Sebahattin Yıldız Education Block was completed with the contributions of the district people and Söğütsen Seramik A.Ş. and put into service in the 2009-2010 academic year.

In all our programmes, there is an obligation to do internship in the summer term (30 working days). In our Vocational School, students studying in Cookery, Computer Programming, Office Management and Executive Assistantship, Court Office Services, Interior Design and Fashion Design Programmes are given the opportunity to gain experience in business life with the optional 1-semester ‘Vocational Training in Business’ course in the 4th semester.

Active Programmes in our school:

1. Cooking

2. Printing and Publishing Technologies

3. Computer Programming

4. Office Management and Executive Assistantship

5. Public Relations and Advertising

6. Fashion Design

7. Interior Design

8. Social Security

9. Court Office Services


Number of Common Education Areas and Facilities:

- Student canteen:  It has an area of 300 m². 300 students benefit from the services of our modern canteen where our students relax and relax. 

- Dining Hall: For our students and staff to eat in a healthy way, we have a cafeteria with an area of 250 m² and hygiene conditions where 160 students receive service alternately.

- Library: We have a library with an area of 50m2 for our students to study in a healthy and peaceful way, prepare for exams and do research.  There are 424 books in our library. In the computer labs, it is possible to connect to the Central Library of our University.

- Artificial Turf Football Field: There is a modern artificial turf field in a 900 m² mesh cage field where our students can relieve stress and do sports day and night.

- Basketball and volleyball courts: According to the need, there are basketball and volleyball courts where our students play volleyball and basketball and spend time between classes, where they get together while playing sports and get rid of their energy.