1 A Bibliometric Study on Financial Inclusion
2 A Comparative Analysis of Integrated Annual Reports of Commercial Banks
3 A Critical Study on Effectively Managing and Addressing the Diverse Needs and Complexities Encountered by Migrant Workers in the Republic of Singapore
4 A Different Perspective on Non-Performing Loan Management - The Case of Turkey
5 A System Dynamics-Based Investment Analysis Approach for Aggressive Pension Mutual Funds
6 A Turkish Perspective on Blockchain Technology and Evaluations of Regulatory Authorities
7 Agricultural Credits in the Banking Sector: Use of Agricultural Credit in Kocaeli Province
8 AI Applications in the Banking Sector
9 An Accounting Approach with Cash Flow Method to the Myth of Net Reserve Excluding / Minus Swaps
10 An Analysis of Local Government Infrastructure Investment Supports in Turkey within the Scope of Environmental Economics
11 An Example Mobile Application Design Providing Financial Decision Support for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
12 Analysis of the Fisher Effect in Different Economic Polıcy Implementation Periods - Türkiye Example
13 Analysis of Factors Affecting Borsa Istanbul Indices: Evidence from Before and After the Pandemic
14 Analysis of the Performance of Banks in Kosovo during the period 2016-2022: A Comparison between Local Banks and those with Foreign capital
15 Analyzing Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform Performance: An Application of the DeLone & McLean Information Systems Success Model
16 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications in Enterprice Credit Risk Prediction: The Case of Borsa Istanbul
17 Asset Size and Performance in Islamic Banks: “An Application with Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods”
18 Asymmetric Relations between Economic Policy Uncertainty and Real Estate Prices
19 Banking 4.0 in the Digital Age
20 Banks' Financial Structure and CDS Spreads: Default Risk and Market Perception
21 Behavioral Finance Approach in Investment Choices
22 Beklenen Kredi Zarar Karşılığı Yaklaşımı
23 Bibliometric Analysis of Central Bank Digital Currency with Rstudio
24 Bibliography of Theses on Sukuk as a Capital Market Instrument
25 Bireysel Emeklilik Sistemi: Türkiye’deki Bireysel Emeklilik Sisteminin Sermaye Piyasalarına Etkisi
26 BİST Banka Endeksinde Yer Alan Bankaların Karlılıklarını Etkileyen Finansal Oranların Belirlenmesi
27 BlokZinciri Teknolojisi Kullanımının Banka İç Denetim Sistemleri Üzerine Etkisi
28 Can Financial Astrology Be a Reflection of Behavioral Finance? A Study on Financial Markets
29 Classification of Provinces in Terms of Bank Deposits and Loans
30 Comparison of Digital Transformation Performances in Banking: An Evaluation from Customer Perspective
31 Contagion among BRICS-T Financial Markets: Evidences from Banking Sector
32 Conventional Finance in Transition: The Conversion of Private Finance Institutions into Participation Banks Under AAOIFI Regulations
33 Corporate Social Responsibility Performance and Risk Dynamics in Turkish Companies Listed on Borsa Istanbul
34 Cryptojacking in Digital Economies Threats and Solutions
35 Determinants of Liquidity Risk in the Banking Sector: Evidence from Turkish Deposit Banks
36 Determining the Factors Affecting the Profitability of Banks: A Research in the Light of the Turkish Banking Sector, Loan and Credit Card Usage and Economic Indicators
37 Determining Volatility Spillovers between Geopolitical Risk and the Banking Sector: Application in European Countries
38 Dijital Bankacılık Uygulamalarının Bankaların Karlılığına Etkisi; Bankacılık Sektörü Üzerine Bir Uygulama
39 Do Financial Literacy and Financial Well-Being Change as a Result of Training? An Empirical Study on Finance and Banking Undergraduate Program Students
40 Economic and Psychological Factors of Consumer Credit Influence on the Stability of the Banking System: An Analytical Review
41 Economic Policy Uncertainty and Environmental Degradation in European Union countries. Some Preliminary Results
42 Effectiveness of Deposit Banks in Türkiye By Data Envelopment Analysis
43 Effects of Digitalization on Cooperative Banking: An Analysis on the Business Model Canvas
44 Effects of Digitalization on the Banking System: Turkiye Example
45 Environmental Investment and Bank Risk-Taking: International Evidence
46 Equity Crowdfunding vs Investment Banking: A Comparison on Financial Performance
47 Estimation of Turkish Banking Sector Financial Fragility Index and Determination of the Factors Effecting the Index
48 Evaluating the Influence of Uncertainty on Islamic and Conventional Banks
49 Evaluation of Trade Relations Between Countries with Developed Banking Sectors Using the Social Network Analysis Method
50 Examining the Internal Factors Affecting the Performance of Banks: Evidence from the Turkish Banking Sector
51 Factors Affecting Risk Aversion of Domestic and Foreign Investors: An Application of Asymmetric Variance Decomposition
52 FATF's Virtual Asset Regulatoins Expand with CARF
53 Financial Innovations and Their Effects on Bank Financial Performance According to Ownership Structure: A Study in the Turkish Banking Sector
54 Financial Intermediation Processes In The Turkish Banking Sector
55 Financial Stability Indicators and Foreign Portfolio Investment Inflows: Evidence From Turkey
56 Financial Stability in the Islamic Banking System: An Evaluation through Macroeconomic Indicators
57 Forecasting Bitcoin and Ethereum with Machine Learning
58 Green Finance: A Bibliometric Analysis Based on WoS Data
59 Green Financing and Economic Growth: The Example of G20 Countries
60 Identifying Price Bubble Periods in the BIST Banking Index and Bank Share Prices
61 Institutional Investors: Digitalization and Sustainability
62 Insurance in the Age of Cryptocurrency: Opportunities and Challenges
63 Investigating the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Banking Services Using Content Analysis Method
64 Investigation of Bank Equity Adequacy in the Evaluation of Loan Requests in the Post-2020 Period
65 Investigation of Sustainability Index Stock Purchase Intention within the Scope of Value-Attitude-Behavior Model: A Study on University Students
66 Is the Fractal Market Hypothesis Valid in Borsa Istanbul?
67 Johansen Cointegration Test Analysis of the Relationship of Board Gender Diversity: The Case of American Banks
68 Leadership in a Crisis in the Financial Sector: Response Styles under the Corona Pandemic Challenge
69 Measuring Financial Performance of Insurance Companies with ENTROPI and WASPAS Methods
70 Peer Dynamics Shaping Leverage Decisions in Banking - The Example of Türkiye
71 Performance Comparison of Forecasting Models For Selected Bank Indices: ARIMA and XGBoost Model Application
72 Piyasa Yapıcısı Olan ve Olmayan Bankaların Performans Sıralaması: Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleri ile Bir Analiz
73 Political Business Cylcle Theory in Türkiye: Evidence from Bank Loans
74 Predicting Oil Prices Using Artificial Intelligence Methods
75 Relationship Between Bank Profitability and Balance Sheet Structure: Sample of Türkiye
76 Retail and Finance in the Era of Digital Transformation: Analysis of Card Payments, Exchange Rates, and Interest Rates
77 Risks Hidden By Inflation: The Real Situation in the Financial Structure of Banks
78 Risk or Opportunity? Asymmetric Impact of Digital Transformation and FinTech on Banking Performance
79 Siyasi Tercihlerin Yatırımları Yönlendirme Gücü – Türkiye Örneği
80 Social Media Interactions of Participation Banks: Evaluation of Instagram Posts in Terms of Their Themes
81 Spillover of Bubble Assets in Selected Borsa Istanbul Sector Indices
82 Stakeholder Analysis in the Context of Twin Transformation of the Finance Sector
83 Sustainability Performance of Banks Operating in Turkey and its Relationship with Financial Performance
84 Sustainable Finance Practices and Future in Turkey
85 System Simulation Analysis on Compulsory Earthquake Insurance for 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes
86 The Determinants of Bank Profitability in Palestine
87 The Effect of Cost Effıciency on the Financial Performance of Banks: A Research on Public Banks in Turkey
88 The Effect of Country and Global Economic Policy Uncertainty on the Returns of Selected Financial Investment Instruments: Evidence from Turkey
89 The Effect of Credit and Deposits on Economic Growth: Evidence from Turkey
90 The Effect of Economic Confidence Index and Dollar Exchange Rate on Bank and Credit Card Expenditures
91 The Effect Of Fınancıal Development On Economıc Growth In The Industrıalısatıon Process
92 The Effect of Financial Inclusion on Economic Development Through Artificial Intelligence Supported Fintech Applications: An Empırıcal Study on Undergraduate Students
93 The Effect of Interest Rates on Portfolio Investments and Foreign Direct Investments in Türkiye
94 The Effect of Off-Balance Sheet Items on the Stock Market Value of Banks: An Application on Turkish Deposit Banks
95 The Effect of SME Loans Provided by Different Banks on BIST SME Industry Index in Turkey
96 The Effect of Sustainability on Banking Performance: Evidence From Deposit Banks
97 The Effect of the Credit Channel, One of the Monetary Transmission Mechanisms, on the Real Sector Through Banking System Credits
98 The Evolution of Open Banking: Trends and Insights
99 The Impact of Bank Employees' Stress Levels on Work Life: A Study in Kastamonu Province
100 The Impact of Bank Size on Profitability: Evidence from Banks in OECD Countries
101 The Impact of Banking Sector on Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis of Developing Countries
102 The Impact of Inflation and Exchange Rate on Credits and Net Profits of Banks: The Evidence from Development and Investment Banks in Turkiye
103 The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance in the Turkish Banking Sector: A Research with MVAIC Method
104 The Impact of Interest Rate Hike Decisions on the Turkish Banking Sector During the 2023-2024 Period: Event Study Analysis on the Borsa Istanbul Banking Stocks
105 The Impact of Macroeconomic News on Sector Indices: An Application in Borsa Istanbul
106 The Impact of Policy and Price Uncertaınty on Crypto Assets: The Bitcoin Case
107 The Impact of The Resignation of CBRT Governors on the Banking Sector of Borsa Istanbul
108 The Importance of Financial Technology in the Development of Banks
109 The Importance of Macro and Microprudential Policies in Green Transformation in Turkey
110 The Moderating Role of Liquidity in Determining the Factors Affecting Profitability in the Turkish Banking Sector
111 The Relationship between Human Capital and Banking Sector Development and Economic Growth in Developing Countries
112 The Relationship between CDS Premiums, BIST Bank Index and Exchange Rates: Türkiye Example
113 The Relationship between Competition and Risk in the Banking Sector - A Bibliometric Analysis
114 The Relationship between Ecological Footprint and Financial Development in Turkey
115 The Relationship between Electricity Prices and the General Level of Prices: Türkiye Example
116 The Relationship between Real Sector Profitability and Banking Sector Profitability and Asset Quality
117 The Role of Accounting Information Systems in the Banking Sector: A Literature Review on Financial Sustainability
118 The Role of Banking Sector Development in Turkey's Sustainable Development Process
119 The Role of Banks in Attracting Investments in Agriculture of Kazakhstan
120 The Role of Second-tier Banks in the Development and Increase and Competitiveness of the Region in Entrepreneurship, Agriculture (On The Example Of The North-Kazakhstan Region)
121 The Scope of the Price Determination Reports
122 The Sustainability of the Pension System in Turkey: Issues and Policy Recommendations
123 Transformation of Commercial Banking Through Digitalization and Decentralized Finance
124 Transforming Banking Operations and Marketing Strategies through Artificial Intelligence
125 Türk Bankacılık Sektörü İçin Yeşil Varlık Oranı
126 Türk Bankacılık Sektöründe Dijitalleşmenin Işığında Şubeleşme ve Aktif Büyüklük Arasındaki İlişki
127 Türkiye Bankacılık Sektöründe Kadın İstihdamı
128 Türkiye Bankacılık Sektörünün Yurtdışı İştirakleri
129 Türkiye Faizsiz Finans Sektöründe Dijital Katılım Bankalarının Yeri ve Geleceği
130 Türkiye’de Katılım Bankalarının Startuplara Verdiği Desteklerin İncelenmesi
131 Uluslararası Ticaretin Finansmanında Kullanılan Kripto Paralar ile Bankacılık Endeksleri Arasındaki İlişkinin: G4 Ülkeleri ve Türkiye Örneği
132 Uluslararası Ticarette Bir Ödeme Yöntemi Olarak Bankalar Aracılığı İle Açılan Akreditif
133 Use of Derivative Instruments in the Banking Sector and Its Effects on the Turkish Banking Sector
134 Ülkemizde İslami Sermaye Piyasalarının Yasal Altyapısı ve Konuya İlişkin Güncel Gelişmeler
135 With its Legal Dimension, Movable Pledges and Electronic Product Certificates in Commercial Transactions
136 Ziraat Bank in the Early Republican Period Practices outside the Main Field of Activity